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Showing posts from July, 2021

Fantastic Fantasy

  Fantastic Fantasy  1. Cinderella tried the shoes which fitted her perfectly to everyone's surprise. The Prince was overwhelmed with happiness. They married and lived happily ever after. (From "The Fairy-tale of Cinderella")   2. The princess kissed him with love and the Beast turned to a handsome, tall, smart and fair lad. They married and happily lived ever after. (From "The Fairy-tale of the Beauty and the Beast ") 3. The Little Mermaid drank the potion and turned herself to a  sea foam bereaving the loss of the Prince as he married a princess in spite of the mermaid taking all the pain to flatter him. (From "The Fairy-tale of the Little Mermaid Wonder what this is? Do you get anything in common in these fairy-tales? Who is the target audience to these tales? What is the intention behind these stories? Let's discuss! These children-targeted tales are a few samples from the basic lessons of reading mixed with the imaginations of the listeners...